Wenn Interim CFOs zu Managern der Nachhaltigkeit werden

Interim CFOs und Ihre Herausforderungen Die Beauftragung eines Interim CFOs beinhaltet oft den Wusch des Unternehmens nach einer Änderung oder Transformation bestehender Prozesse und Ausrichtungen. Dabei kann es um den Umbau des gesamten Unternehmens oder auch "nur"...

Loacker Recycling – Why FX intelligence makes the difference

Why Loacker can count on FX intelligence Currently we had the opportunity to present our client Loacker and its use of FX intelligence at the Structured Finance 2022 in Stuttgart.Find out more about our use case Loacker here

HedgeGo Safety Margin – A proposal that makes the difference

What's going on and what will go on Let's come to the point quickly. Times are going to change and it will not stay for a short hello. The is a sustainable shift in fundamentals that will have a big impact of the markets in general and the FX markets in particular. If...

Die Türkische Lira am Abgrund

Was wir schon vor 6 Monaten voraussahen Gerhard Massenbauer hat schon Anfang Oktober im Rahmen des Finanzsymposions in Alpbach @ 1,17 EUR/USD analysiert, dass der USD auf 1,15 steigen könne. Ende Oktober erweiterte das Analyseteam von HedgeGo die Aussicht auf 1,12...

Die Türkische Lira am Abgrund

Was wir schon vor 6 Monaten voraussahen Gerhard Massenbauer hat schon Anfang Oktober im Rahmen des Finanzsymposions in Alpbach @ 1,17 EUR/USD analysiert, dass der USD auf 1,15 steigen könne. Ende Oktober erweiterte das Analyseteam von HedgeGo die Aussicht auf 1,12...

HedgeGo – A game changer in volatile times

When past leads to future It all started, when Gerhard Massenbauer, founder and CEO of HedgeGo, discovered his passion for micro- and macroeconomic matters in the late 90ies. Soon after, he began to publish his first "Massenbauer Brief", a systematic approach to cover...

What we have to say can increase your profitability

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Become a global category leader in FX one-stop-shopping

Our vision

Treasurers master unique challenges. Starting with our FX event alarming system, we want to become a one-stop-shop for managers of multi-currency exposures.

Proprietary HedgeGo services combined with premium cooperations will create a unique service, elevating HedgeGo to become the central tool in the world of FX treasury. 


A dedicated team of people to transform HedgeGo into a global category leader


Our vision is to build the first easy accessible AI-supported FX-alarming tool and become a global category leader by 2025.



Austria’s most renowned currency and FX expert with a 22-year documented positive track record. Get in touch with Gerhard here



Marketing expert, responsible for social media accounts and direct marketing.


Quantitative Researcher

Master of Data Science Vienna University of Technology, Bachelor of Computer Science University of Mostar.


Quantitative Researcher

Msc in Quantitative Finance at Wirtschaftsuniversität Wien. BSc Mathematics University of Zagreb. Integrated Bachelors and Masters Degree, Economics University of Zagreb.


Market fit can be reached
with extraordinary people out of practice.


Head of Finance
Lisec Group

Former Rosenbauer treasury, international experience in finance management and multi-national treasury.



Various Executive postions in multi-national companies, as well as major positions in professional politics in Austria, USA and EU.


Member of the Board
LSS Leadership Institute

Vice President of International Coaching Federation (Austria Chapter) as well as various Executive Positions in multi-national foundations.


Professor, Dean
University CAMPUS 2

Serial entrepreneur,
University Professor
and innovation consultant for innovation management and strategy.



Treasury expert and former Head of FX Cash Derivatives at BAWAGPSK, Senior FX trader at Raiffeisen.