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Companies with international business often bear a significant currency risk – either directly, because the clearing currency is a foreign currency, or indirectly, when competitors abroad gain advantages from currency changes that may affect their business.

Fluctuations have an impact on earnings or generate costs. Currency developments occur in cycles lasting several years. HedgeGo services help you to balance the risk for your balance sheet and reduces costs from hedges that otherwise would hit the financial result.

    Feel free to focus on your core business – we’ll help you with timing and risk management of your financial results influenced by FX-rate changes.

    Gerhard Massenbauer
    CEO HedgeGo

    Welcome to our FAQ Section

    Great to have you here. Our service helps you as a treasury to get qualified information about FX events. We have summed up most frequent asked questions here, but feel free to contact us for even more information.

    Is HedgeGo a Trading Software?

    HedgeGo services balance the effect for positions that influence the financial results because they are not hedge-accountable.

    How are FX Event Alarms Communicated?

    FX event alarms are communicated to our clients via their preferred communication channels like Email, SMS or messenger services.

    How Many FX Events Can I Expect Annually for a Single Currency Pair?

    Based on the past 20 years, we estimate 2–6 FX event alarms per currency pair annually.

    However, more transactions can be expected during periods of low volatility and lack of trends compared to high-volatility times with stronger trends.

    Can Your Products Be Used for Daily Trading Decisions?

    Our recommendations are not aimed at day trading.

    However, CCT simplifies and automatizes short-term developments for the conversion of receivables in FX.

    Do You Have a Free Trial?

    Our free trial provides a back test of your exposures and one predictive analysis for a predefined currency pair.

    The trial ends after 2 months.

    Feel free to see our pricing for an  active subscription here.

    Will HedgeGo Increase my Profitability?

    HedgeGo’s main goal is to minimize your exposure to currency risks and prevent unnecessary financial losses from currency fluctuations by providing actionable recommendations.

    HedgeGo’s recommendations balance the two risks to the financial result: balance sheet risk and cash flow risk.

    Are There Documented Successful Market Predictions Accessible?

    Yes there are. For more information, please use our contact form.

    How are FX Event Alarms Structured?

    1. FX event alarms provide an analysis section, in which the “Why” is explained in detail.

    2. Our system creates suggestions for specific hedging orders to be executed by our clients.

    How Can Treasuries Profit From the Service?

    Treasuries face numerous challenges, one of which is staying up-to-date with market developments and drawing the right conclusions.

    HedgeGo simplifies this process by offering clear, actionable recommendations.

    It saves time and provides straightforward support.